One tree was selected.

Horse Chestnut
Aesculus hippocastanum

Location: 36501 Niles Blvd.
Park: California Nursery Historical Park
District: Niles
Native to: Europe
Tree type: flowering
Leaf retention: deciduous

Comments: Deciduous broadleaf native to Greece and Albania. Compound leaf with 5 to 7 large (6" long) dark green leaflets. Distinctive upright flower spray in spring and large pear shaped woody fruit in summer and fall. Can grow to 30' in native habitat. Leaves, sap, bark, flowers and fruit are poisonous.

Links to additional information on this tree species:  Link   Link

To prevent the transfer of disease and other considerations, do not touch or take samples from the specimen tree or any other plants on the property.

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Illustration by Hugh Danaher
